
putting the fun in functional

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How Black Stories Revive Scrum Meetings

The first bar night at Agile Coach Camp 2015 I told Franklyn Geerling about how I used Black Stories. He then encouraged me to host an open space (thanks!), which I gave the same name as this blog post. Today that session turns out to be one of the fire starters which sparked life into this blog.
Black Stories is a (children’s) riddle game which needs creative and lateral thinking to solve. At first I played the game during summer camp with kids and observed the effects. Based on that, I started using it with great success on my project at KLM/Air France. They had helped my team to better think out of the box and even look forward to meetings.
Somehow (things often seem so silly in retrospect…) it didn’t occur to me this practice could also prove valuable to others. Judging by the feedback and ‘thank yous’ I got at Agile Coach Camp [web] and later, it turned out many coaches are in need of practical advice. They seem to find it a welcome and energizing change from some of the heavier-on-the-mind holistic sessions.
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Monolith Mascots

Eclipse monoliths

The purpose of the Application squad I’m currently in is ‘Ontwikkelingshulp’ in Dutch. We enable other squads to better deliver software. One of the themes on our backlog is breaking up the monolith [wiki]. So recently I ordered little monoliths on Etsy [web] as team mascots. Today surprised my team with them after stand-up. 🎁

Work Hard, Play Harder!

The moment has come.
I’ve noticed that my slightly cough geeky hobby and my daily job have been flirting with each other. And by flirting I mean dating. Like the kind of dating where they prefer to get to know each other first. Then before they knew it, they ended up… well, maybe I should stop the metaphor here before things get out of hand.
So what are my hobby and daily job I hear you think. Let’s start out with my job:
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